Andrea Festa
- Department of Earth Sciences
- SSD: GEO/03 - structural geology
- +39 011 6705186
- Personal Web Page:
- +39-011 6705339
- Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra
Università di Torino
Via Valperga Caluso, 35 -10125 Torino (Italy) -
- Contacts VCard
- Department of Earth Sciences
- Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra
- Corsi di studi in Scienze Geologiche (L-34 e LM-74)
- Phd Earth Sciences
Curriculum vitae
Selected research products
The scientific activity consists on more than 200 publications, including more than 80 papers (Scopus database), 10 books/special issues and 12 geological maps published on national and international journals with Impact Factor or peer review. For a complete list of publications see:
- Scopus (Elsevier):
- Web of Science (WOS) (
- Google Scholar:
- ResearchGate:
The ten most significant publications are:
Festa, A., Barbero, E., Remitti, F., Ogata, K., and Pini, G.A., 2022. Mélanges and chaotic rock units: implications for exhumed subduction complexes and orogenic belts. Geosystems and Geoenvironment, 1(2), 100030.
Di Napoli, M.L., Festa, A., and Barbero, M., 2022. Practical classification of geotechnically complex formations with block-in-matrix fabrics. Engineering Geology, 301, 106595.
Festa, A., Balestro, G., Borghi, A., De Caroli, S., and Succo, A., 2020. The role of structural inheritance in continental break-up and exhumation of Alpine Tethyan mantle (Canavese Zone, Western Alps). Geoscience Frontiers, 11, 167-188.
Festa, A., Pini, G.A., Ogata, K., and Dilek, Y., 2019. Diagnostic features and field-criteria in recognition of tectonic, sedimentary and diapiric mélanges in orogenic belts and exhumed subduction-accretion complexes. Gondwana Research.
Festa, A., Dilek, Y., Mittempergher, S., Ogata, K., Pini, G.A., and Remitti, F., 2018. Does subduction of mass transport deposits (MTDs) control seismic behavior of shallow-level megathrusts at convergent margins? Gondwana Research, 60, 186-193. Doi: 10.1016/
Festa, A., Ogata, K., Pini, G.A., Dilek, Y., and Alonso, J.L., 2016. Origin and significance of olistostromes in the evolution of orogenic belts: a global synthesis. Gondwana Research 39, 180-203, DOI: 10.1016/
Festa A., Balestro, G., Dilek Y, and Tartarotti, P., 2015. A Jurassic oceanic core complex in the high-pressure Monviso ophiolite (western Alps, NW Italy). Lithosphere, 7, 646-652. Doi: 10.1130/L458.1.
Festa A., Dilek Y., Pini G.A., Codegone G., and Ogata K., 2012. Mechanisms and processes of stratal disruption and mixing in the development of mélanges and broken formations: redefining and classifying mélanges. Tectonophysics 568-569, 7-24. DOI: 10.1016/j.tecto.2012.05.021
Festa, A., Pini, G.A., Dilek, Y., and Codegone, G., 2010. Mélanges and mélange- forming processes: a historical overview and new concepts, International Geology Review 52(10-12),1040-1105. DOI: 10.1080/00206810903557704.
Vezzani L., Festa, A. and Ghisetti, F., 2010. Geology and Tectonic evolution of the Central-Southern Apennines, Italy: Geological Society of America Special Paper 469, 58 p, including the “Geological-Structural Map of the Central-Southern Apennines (Italy)” at 1:250.000 scale, Sheets 1 and 2. ISBN 978-0-8137-2469-0. DOI: 10.1130/2010.2469
Corsi di studi in Scienze Geologiche (L-34 e LM-74) - RILEVAMENTO GEOLOGICO I (MFN0625)
Corsi di studi in Scienze Geologiche (L-34 e LM-74) - TETTONICA FRAGILE E APPLICAZIONI DI TERRENO (STE0119)
Corsi di studi in Scienze Geologiche (L-34 e LM-74)
Research topics
Andrea Festa is a field-based structural geologist working on the spatial and temporal relationships between tectonics and sedimentation, the processes of mélange formation at convergent margins, and the reconstruction of intra-oceanic tectonostratigraphic settings of exhumed ophiolitic belts.
He is an Elected Fellow of the Geological Society of America and, he served as coordinator the Task Group on GeoHazards of the International Union of Geosciences (IUGS). He received the Episodes Best Paper Award 2016, the Geoscience Frontiers Best Paper Award 2020 and the Geosystems and Geoenvironment (Elsevier) Best Associate Editor Award 2023.
He has worked extensively in the Circum-Mediterranean Region, the U.S. Appalachians, U.S. Western Cordillera, and the Argentinean Andes.
He serves as Deputy Editor the Journal of the Geological Society, and as Associate Editor Gondwana Research, Geosystems and Geoenvironment, and Episodes. He has published more than 200 publications, including more than 80 papers, 10 books/special issues and 12 geological maps published on national and international journals with Impact Factor.
Research groups
- Mélanges, mélange forming processes and related natural hazards
- Role of structural-stratigraphic inheritances in the evolution of convergent margins
- Geological mapping
- Cartografia geologica
- Mélange, processi di formazione dei mélange e rischi naturali associati
- Ruolo delle eredità strutturali-stratigrafiche nell’evoluzione dei margini convergenti
Research projects
- Evidenze e ruolo di strutture ereditate nell'evoluzione strutturale di un margine convergente esumato (Alpi Occidentali - Appennino settentrionale)
- Geodinamica del sistema Alpi occidentali - Appennino settentrionale: vincoli strutturali all'evoluzione di un margine convergente esumato
- Anatomia strutturale di margini convergenti: casi di studio dalle Alpi occidentali e dall'Appennino settentrionale
- PROGEO - Piemonte (ORTO11Y7RH)
Office hours
Da Lunedì a Venerdì su appuntamento via email